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Skateboard industry Premiers revolutionary new entertainment...

Written By anfaku01 on Thursday, June 9, 2011 | 6:57 AM

Marin county, Ca (PRWEB) June 08, 2011.

iNet Entertainment announced the release of a new internet video show entitled AboveBoard. Internalize is a series of skateboard themed targeted towards action sports young drivers and beginning of the year twenty old demographic.

"This will not be a show regular." said Joe Bencharsky, Chief Marketing Officer INA, "we are revolutionary things with it." Most importantly, it will be the first project featuring our iCan Get It sale technology that allows for the product placement elements be selected, information submitted in their regard and even purchased, as viewers watch the show. For the first time, consumers can get instant information on the products without the need of disruptive ads and buy something they like, even at the present time, that they see in a show!

iCan Get It will also allow viewers to recommend or share products via social media or email.

The show will be promoted only through digital media: promotion video email, social media channels and select special interest portals. "We expect an initial distribution of video emails to more than 600,000 has opted in recipients." With the combination of e-mail, sharing and social media, we anticipate that the number of viewers will continue to grow over time and as new episodes bring more viewers than decline after initial dissemination. "Bencharsky developed.

iNet Entertainment aims to create the ultimate in Viewer controlled advertising. Interactive video that allows the Viewer to pause when and if they like or control what products they have interest in.

"No ads." No pop-up advertisements. No banner ads. Sponsors promote the brand loyalty and obtain direct sales of the show; non-profit benefit of emission; viewers get quality of interactive video entertainment and can buy, share and get information on products if and when they so wish. "It is a win-win-win-WIN business", said Gene Berman, President of iNet Entertainment.

The effectiveness of media advertising was widely speculation in the past. This model will be display the numbers of direct sales associated with the participation of the trade mark.

For the Hospital Foundation and girls Riders organization, a group that educates and promotes the participation of the young girl in action sports; the first episode of children will be the beneficiaries on the one hand sales generated by the show. For the first episode of AboveBoard sponsors include: clothes, skating FreeSkate, Goorin hats, HeavyGlare eyewear, protective XSports, power, and the Star of Ghetto skateboards products.

This "Holy Grail" of technology for the electronic media will be available on the computer, interactive TV at the same time and 24/7, once the show is out.

The themes of the loyal series will be positive messages on the impacts how skateboard lives and provides an outlet for personal expression, and freedom. Subsequent episodes will be published each month in the http://aboveboard.inetentertainment.com


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